
[SPREC Insight VOL.19] Satellite payload research trends and implications
  • By. 김지선
  • Date. 2024-01-22
  • View. 363

■ Research background, necessity and purpose

● Research background

- The space economy is expanding at a rapid pace as the operation of satellites for various application fields such as space exploration, Earth observation, communication, and navigation increases.

● Research needs

- Accordingly, competition between great powers and emerging countries to lead the space economy era is accelerating, so there is a need to analyze the extent of Korea's competitiveness and find implications.

● Purpose of the study

- We aim to identify satellite payload market trends, research trends, and Korea’s level, and provide them as reference materials and basic data.

■ Research content

● Satellite payload research trends

- (Remote sensing field) CubeSats and small satellites are emerging due to miniaturization of satellite payloads, demand for high-resolution images is increasing, and SAR technology is gaining prominence in satellite payload research.

- (Satellite communications field) Uses advanced payload technology to meet the increasing demand for broadband Internet services in remote or underserved areas. Quantum key distribution (QKD) payload is being developed for security purposes.

- (Satellite navigation field) Research on anti-jamming technology and secure PNT, safe space traffic management and collision avoidance navigation system and payload development research is underway, and quantum sensor and clock research is improving navigation by providing unprecedented precision and immunity to interference. Has the potential to create a revolution

- (Science research field) The Mars Rover mission studies the Martian environment, missions to the Moon and beyond are expanding the history of the solar system and the horizons of human exploration, and space telescope (JWST and WFIRST) missions are contributing to our understanding of the universe. It will bring great progress

- (Surveillance and other fields) Low-light and infrared imaging capabilities are becoming increasingly important for satellite surveillance, especially night-time activity monitoring, and in-orbit servicing technologies and reconfigurable payloads, payloads for IoT applications, etc. are being researched.

● Drivers of satellite payload market growth

- (Global Diversity) The global nature of the market with diverse types and applications is the driving force.

- (Product Innovation) New and improved products attract consumers and expand market opportunities.

- (Market Segmentation) Market segmentation can increase market share and profitability.

- (Market Dynamics) Consumer preferences, economic conditions, and technological developments dynamically influence market growth.

- (Regulatory environment) Regulatory changes can affect market dynamics, creating corporate growth and challenges.

- (Competitive environment) The presence and strategies of competitors drive innovation and affect growth.

- (Consumer Demand) Fluctuations in consumer demand play an important role in forming market trends and growth prospects.

● Research topics in the field of remote sensing

-Remote Sensing; Image Classification; Satellite Imagery

∙ Development of nanosatellites equipped with hyperspectral cameras, contributing to the production of water collection and recycling systems to prevent flooding, etc.

- Synthetic Aperture Radar; Radar; Radar Imaging

∙ Introduction to the hardware and software design architecture of TRM-ATS, etc.

-Climate Models; Model; Rainfall

∙ Apply a series of simulations based on payload configuration to analyze payload performance, including brightness temperature (TB) characteristics, SSS accuracy, impact of solar and land pollution, etc.

● Research topics in the satellite communication (Telecommunication) field

- Optical Communication; Light Emitting Diodes; Atmospheric Turbulence

∙ Presentation of methods that can be used to increase the capacity of VHTS (Very High Throughput Satellites) while reducing costs, etc.

- Photonics; Optical Communication; Optical Fibers

∙ Presentation that photonics can be broadly introduced to next-generation communication satellites with photon-assisted payloads, etc.

● Research topics in the satellite navigation field

- Global Positioning System; Satellites; Navigation

∙ Analyze the data quality of GNSS observations and evaluate the precision of the dynamic precision orbit determination (POD) performance based on the WangTong-01 mission, etc.

- Ships; Offshore Structures; Navigation

∙ Payload proposal that integrates three sources of incoming data, including airborne ADS-B signals, GNSS-R maritime signals, and shipboard AIS signals, etc.

● Research topics in the field of Scientific Research

- Asteroids; Comets; Mars

∙ Mission design based on optimal analysis of payload requirements and feasibility with future scope to be coordinated and executed on SRMSAT-2, etc.

- Magnetic Fields; Ionospheres; Sunspots

∙ Cross-calibrate the coherence of the three payloads in overlapping detection frequency ranges and first evaluate the timing system of CSES and the sampling time differences between EFD and SCM, etc.

● Other research topics

-Orbits; Spacecraft; Satellites

∙ Proposal of PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization)-based algorithm to find the optimal values of controller variables and NISE (Normalized Integral Square Error), etc.

- Antennas; Slot Antennas; Microwave Antennas

∙ Review of various antenna technologies suitable for satellite communication and applicable to fixed satellite, broadcasting satellite, mobile communication, and personal communication services, etc.

■ Policy implications

● As the space development race is accelerating, Korea’s space competitiveness is not optimistic based on the paper on satellite payloads and payload utilization.

- Existing space powers such as the United States, China, Germany, and France, as well as Iran and Indonesia, are ahead of Korea, making it necessary to improve competitiveness more than ever.

- There is an urgent need to develop satellite payloads in a more systematic and service demand-based manner and to foster related personnel and foster companies.

● To this end, it is important to strategically promote existing plans by reflecting the on-site situation.

- Companies, universities, and research institutes must be strategically fostered under the leadership of the government based on in-depth research on market conditions, etc.

● A shift in thinking is needed to focus on the use of satellite information.

- There is a need to change the satellite development method by planning satellite information utilization services that will dominate the market in the future and developing satellite payloads to realize them.
